Social Impact Center
Drug-Free Workplace Policy

Purpose and Goal

The Social Impact Center (SIC) is committed to protecting the safety, health and wellbeing of all employees, agents, volunteers, and other individuals in our workplace. We recognize that alcohol abuse and drug use pose a significant threat to our goals. We have established a drug-free workplace program that balances our respect for individuals with the need to maintain an alcohol and drug-free environment:

- This organization encourages employees and agents to voluntarily seek help with drug and alcohol problems.

Covered Members

Any individual, agent, or volunteer who conducts business on behalf of the organization or is conducting business on the organization's property is covered by our drug-free workplace policy. Our policy includes, but is not limited to contractors.


Our drug-free workplace policy is intended to apply whenever anyone is representing or conducting business for the organization. Therefore, this policy applies all employees, agents, and volunteers whenever conducting business or representing the organization.

Prohibited Behavior

It is a violation of our drug-free workplace policy to use, possess, sell, trade, and/or offer for sale alcohol, illegal drugs or intoxicants in any manner that violates the law or that is detrimental to the health or wellbeing of the individual, the organization, or others engaged in the organization’s activities.


One of the goals of our drug-free workplace program is to encourage employees, agents, and volunteers to voluntarily seek help with alcohol and/or drug problems. If, however, an individual violates the policy, the consequences are serious.

If an employee, agent, or volunteer violates the policy, he or she will be subject to progressive disciplinary action and may be requested to enter rehabilitation to continue to be associated with the organization. An employee, agent, or volunteer requested to enter rehabilitation who fails to successfully complete it and/or repeatedly violates the policy may have their association and privileges with the organization terminated.


SIC recognizes that alcohol and drug abuse and addiction are treatable illnesses. We also realize that early intervention and support improve the success of rehabilitation. To support our employees, agents, and volunteers, our drug-free workplace:

- Encourages all those covered by this policy to seek help if they are concerned that they or their family members may have a drug and/or alcohol problem.


All information received by the organization through the drug-free workplace program is confidential communication. Access to this information is limited to those who have a legitimate need to know in compliance with relevant laws and management policies.

Shared Responsibility

A safe and productive drug-free workplace is achieved through cooperation and shared responsibility


Communicating our drug-free workplace policy is critical to our success. To ensure all affected members are aware of their role in supporting our drug-free workplace program this policy is posted on our website.

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