Our Expungement services are rooted in holistic community mutual aid.
Our Expungement services are a de-constructed approach to the rigid and often time confusing expungement process. We are centered on healing, utilizing trauma-informed best practices while providing impacted community members an opportunity to feel seen and heard through sharing their own personal journeys.
Our expungement services in Los Angeles are valuable for low-income community members because a criminal record can pose significant barriers to better employment, stable housing, and higher education.
Expungement provides an opportunity to clear or reduce most convictions, enhancing job prospects and overall socioeconomic mobility for individuals who might otherwise face discrimination due to their criminal history. Our services help break the cycle of poverty and reentry challenges while paving a path to economic stability.

We're here to help!
We have some basic criteria to qualify for our expungement services:
- Must Have a Valid ID
- Must Have a Mail Address
- You must have convictions in LA County (find your county here)
- You must NOT be on Parole
- You must be a U.S. Resident
- Fill Out Our Intake form on Clio

Events in your community!
Check out our next expungement event happening in your area by following us on Eventbrite or by checking out our events page.