
Transforming individual experiences into collective power

At The Social Impact Center, we believe in the power of personal narratives to drive informed, compassionate attitudes and to build a more just and inclusive world.

Storytelling is a powerful tool for communities facing the fear that are instilled by societal stigmas. At The Social Impact Center, we are dedicated to equipping individuals with the tools they need to empower their personal narratives. Through our workshops, we humanize experiences and evoke intersectional understanding, allowing community members to connect through shared struggles, challenges, and successes. These tools help dismantle stigma and misconceptions, opening the door to greater acceptance and solidarity

By sharing intergenerational stories, individuals can challenge oppressive views and contribute to a broader cultural shift. Immersed in education and empathy, our community members become agents of change.

For more information about our storytelling workshops, contact Felicia at [email protected].

Calling all Storytellers!

We are actively looking for creative writers to help us draft declarations to community members. Declaration drafting at The Social Impact Center involves creating a personal narrative, or "declaration letter," for a community member seeking expungement. This letter is a critical component of the expungement process, as it serves as a formal request to the judge to consider clearing or reducing a past conviction. The letter typically includes a breakdown of the individual’s past, present, and future, structured to show their personal growth and the steps they have taken to become contributing members of their community.

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